Moody color palettes and geometric figures, Robyn Sapico, a graphic artist from LA, has a collection of art where objects glow right off of your computer screen. From logo design to gleaming 3D pieces, she prominently puts use in charming pastels and metallic shades, enticing your eyes to every inch of each render. Crystallized elements and delicate florals, Robyn has worked on pieces for artists like Azura, poster design for Sober Rob, and event promoters/management Future Noize! With art that glitters, don't be surprised if you ever spot a Sapico piece for your favorite artist's art direction. It is no doubt that this intriguing producer of visual artwork will strike the eyes of many in the bright future! Below read about Robyn Sapico's inspirations and the background on how she began her journey in graphic art! Enjoy!Follow Robyn Sapico on:
For more of Robyn Sapico's art check out robynsapico.carbonmade.com!
Question 1: What got you into making graphic design/art?
I went into college majoring in photography and decided about half way thru the first semester that I wanted to pursue graphic design instead. I remember looking at what the juniors and seniors were making at the time and thinking "yeah, I want to make this" and have been ever since. Then I picked up 3D art about a year and a half ago and here we are!
Question 2: What people intrigue or inspire you to pursue visual art?
Visually: awaiwaiwai, Bryant Nichols, Victor Mosquera, Fredrich Neumann, Justin Maller and Laurie Rowan
Musically: Flume, Interpol, DIIV, Brand New, At the Drive In, Thursday, Tyler the Creator, Vince Staples, Bon Iver, Tycho
........just to name a few.
Question 3: How would you define your style of artwork?
Pastel. Dreamy. Minimal.
Question 4: What do you hope someone will gain out of seeing the art you create?

Question 5: What is your favorite piece you have created so far?
{ For beatrice } without a doubt. I love love love 'A Series of Unfortunate Events.' My boyfriend and I talk about the books and show semi-often, and one of our conversations sparked this image of loneliness and Lemony waiting for Beatrice and the hope that she would show up. ASOUE was such a staple of my childhood alongside Harry Potter and a few other things, and that's another reason why it's my favorite piece to date.
Question 6: How far do you plan on taking your art? Any future plans or goals you wish to achieve?
As far as I can honestly. I plan on moving into animations because I want to make visuals for artists, or make them AND run them. Making a flower for Flume would be really neat, a banner for the Detroit Zoo or LA Zoo, or frankly, ANY zoo or animal conservation would be cool, handle art direction, so many things! I often wish that sleep was optional because I constantly want to work but what can you do.
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