POST BOY Written by: roshux Post Boy’s new self-titled EP, Post Boy, is a 4 track, 16-minute piece that’s a great listen for any mood. The first track “ New Crown ” starts off with soothing space-like and digital sounds, then leads into a beautiful guitar and vocal follow-up that sets the tone for the rest of the song. Progressing through the EP is very smooth, as all of the tracks here share a similar sound while still being unique in their own way. " Basic Laws " has a more “raw” feel to it with the use of a whining guitar lead and heavy drums, while " Marble " seems like it’s composed entirely of digital sounds like tastefully layered synths, giving it an atmospheric vibe. " Raspy " makes for an excellent outro track due to its relaxing vocals, and more subtle but still outstanding instrumental. Below share and listen to Post Boy ! Available for purchase here ! Follow Post Boy on: SoundCloud Twitter Follow Galaxy Swim Team on: SoundCloud