
Showing posts from November, 2015


INDIE ELECTRONICA BAND: FADED PAPER FIGURES There is a certain energy enveloped in FPF's music that can only be described as a form of "freedom." With light melodies and hypnotic vocals, each song carries my mind to another dimension of electronic musical symphonies. From Los Angeles, California, members R. John Williams, Heather Alden, and Kael Alden, create a killer trio who make music that complements each other's aptitude in only the best way. Faded Paper Figures generate some of the best music that has some of my favorite elements the music world has to offer. The band has such a unique and broad sound, it is quite hard to actually place a specific genre Faded Paper Figures can be put in. All you can really do is describe it! If I were though to makeup a music genre for FPF I would call it indie space music. Synthesized beats and spacey galactic vibes, FPF is a force to be reckoned with. With much excitement, check out the interview I did with Faded Paper Fi...


MIXED VIBES For my second podcast, I threw in some of my favorite artists such as Cardo, Lido, and Q-Tip. I wanted to mix it up with the vibes but also have it correlated in some way by introducing that hip-hop beat with a future classic vibe. I think this podcast is something that pairs well with someone driving down the PCH on a weekday afternoon. I hope you enjoy this second installment of my podcast series! -XZX Podcasts are posted on my Soundcloud: XZXsound


HIP-HOP ARTIST: JOEL DEBUS Today, I feel like there is some music out there that comes out of empty places. There is music with no meaning or no actual depth. It is music to make success in all the wrong places. I find artists that take the time and effort to really put their own selves out there, in a way where you can emotionally and sometimes spiritually relate to them, to be real genuine risk takers. They are able to express themselves in a way where they show no fear in what they believe in no matter what people may think. It may sound cliché, but nonetheless, true. Joel Debus is exactly this description of the kind of artist I admire. He is a true lyricist. He puts himself and his past experiences in his music so that others can see what reality is. With elements of humor and cleverness, Debus ranges in a variety of rap styles. Motivated and determined, Joel Debus’s music can inspire really anyone to make their life into something more than just what they think the...


ESSENTIALS FOR NOW I decided to try something a little different. Actually, something that is a little more out of my comfort zone. Creating a podcast has been on my to-do list for a while now, but I just got around to pushing myself to actually do it. My inspiration to even start one was from Soulection. Soulection is one of my favorite radio online stations to listen to. In this first podcast I decided to showcase some of my favorite tunes so far. In the future I do hope to get better at doing podcasts and release ever so often. So I hope you enjoy! P.S. Please excuse my nervous behavior. I still need practice with this, what is to me, new form of media outlet. -XZX Podcasts will be posted on my soundcloud: XZXsound


ONE WORD: ECLECTIC I am sad to say that the Genesis Series is only six songs long, but I am more importantly trilled to say that these six songs are not in any words a disappointment or let down from Zhu. Actually it's the exact opposite. It's one hell of a composition.With six uniquely well put together collaborations, the project as a whole shows how talented and skilled Zhu is. Not only does he take part to vocalize in his music, but the way his voice can carry a song and bring it to another level is mind blowing. From reggae to smooth jazz and old school hip-hop to deep house, his record label makes no mistake to name itself Mind of A Genius. If you thought his last EP, DAYNIGHT , was captivating with each melody and beat, Zhu's newest creation displays his artistry the finest way. I can say, by this point, Zhu is one of the most skilled and well matured artists of his time. Collaborating with artists like A-Track, AlunaGeorge, Gallant, Keznamdi, and big time D...