Question 1: What got you into making music?
I was always around music growing up. As soon as I was old enough to realize it could be your profession I was sold. I was lucky enough to have a mom and dad that got me into making music early. My dad was a drummer/bassist, and my crazy singing mom let me play or bang on whatever as loud as I wanted. I remember having a school project in 5th grade when they asked us to research a profession and choose/share. My idols were always Timbaland and Neptunes, duh haha. It was a no-brainer. I always wanted to produce.
Question 2: What people intrigue you or inspire you to pursue music?
Honestly, I'm the most unoriginal dude alive... I steal all my jokes, music and drive from my parents. They're crazy. My mom raised me on freestyle and salsa, and my dad was a b-boy Indian dude from Paterson, NJ into Afrika Bambaataa, Planet Control, etc. Ever since I can remember my house was ALWAYS bumping something, from my mom going to the club playing Amber's,'This Is Your Night' and the whole house smelled like hairspray, or my dad blasting KRS-One.
Question 3: How would you define your style of music?
I'm simply club. Not this club, or there club.. or his or her club. It's "tear the club up" club. No territorial association, just scream, "OHHHH!!," then dance harder kind of club. Haha, I don't think it needs to be any more complicated or segregated, at least when defining my style of music. I never make a song with the intention to stay in a particular sub-genre of club.
Question 4: What influences your style of work?
Mostly the work of my peers. When I see my friends killing tracks and sending me dope songs to sample, I go straight to my computer and stop bull-shitting, make a sample folder, and get back to grinding. I think having such talented club producing friends keeps me most on track; they really push the shit out of me. I'm naturally the kind of person who doesn't feel comfortable taking without giving, so I try to always have secret tracks to give in exchange of gobbling up my homies tracks, haha. Our scene is so small, but sooo fast pace, keep up or parish.
Question 5: What is your favorite track that you have produced so far?
Probably "Jiggly Pop". Aleem's 'Release Yourself' dub haunts my oldest memories growing up, LOVE that track. Of course, Missy sampled it too herself, I had a good time EQing the original track to suit my own nostalgia. But I also only say that track knowing I can't stand hearing my own tracks, honestly haha. By the time I'm done self-mastering I never want to hear the track ever again! My homies make me play my songs most of the time, haha. Is that just me?
Question 6: How far do you plan to take your music, any goals in mind? Who would you like to work with in the future?
To be honest, I don't know if there is a ceiling or end goal per say. I can definitely say there is no desire to stop, and that's most important. There is no getting bored in this genre to me, I wake up and want the new club track that came out while I was asleep. Any goals I see for the future are for club as a whole, myself included hopefully. Theres no way the waves created by the club scene in just the most recent years won't typhoon into coastlines in the coming years. I really feel its inevitable.
As far as who I would like to work with in the future, best case scenarios would be MIA or Daft Punk personally, and if you're not dreaming, you're not living right? lol. MIA always made me feel so good and so strong being brown, and I'll always love her for that. Daft Punk, no one really needs an explanation, Daft Punk lol.
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